Ignatian Retreats
Make a Retreat The Spiritual Exercises Jesuit Retreat Centers

Make a Retreat.
Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in daily life. But once in a while it is important to get away to spend quiet time with God — an evening, a day, a weekend, a week.
Find the retreat that’s best for you on our calendar of retreats offered by OIS and our partners across the Jesuit network.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola
The Spiritual Exercises are a compilation of meditations, prayers, and other contemplative practices.
The object is to help people become more attentive, open, and responsive to God. The Exercises are the foundation of Ignatian spirituality.
Jesuit Retreat Centers
on the East Coast
Jesuit retreat centers have experienced staff and volunteers who offer personal retreats, group retreats, spiritual direction, and other services. There are four retreat centers run by the Jesuits on the East Coast, and even more across the US and Canada.
Find the retreat center. | Pick a date. | Register for your retreat.
Loyola on the Potomac Retreat House
– Faulkner, Maryland
Loyola on the Potomac sits on 235 acres overlooking the Potomac River 35 miles south of Washington, D.C.
All Jesuit Retreat Houses Across the United States and Canada
A list of all the Jesuit retreat houses across the United States and Canada can be found here.